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Vision, Mission & Values


  • We aspire to be a Happily Successful Process Driven Progressive Organization with a CAGR of 20% % Y-O-Y Growth in Revenues & Profits for Empowering & Upgrading Peoples, Partners & the Nation.


  • We shall achieve the revenue milestone of USD 60 Million (INR 500 Crores) by the 31st March 2027.
  • We shall successfully list Krystal Global Engineering Limited on the NSE Main Board by the 31st of December 2027. 
  • We shall achieve the revenue milestone of INR USD 120 Million (INR 1000 Crores) by the 31st March 2030 with EBIDTA > 20% & 200% + growth for all People, Partners and Investors.
  • We shall create employment opportunities for 1000+ families by the 31st of December 2030.
  • We shall progressively reduce our carbon footprint each year by a minimum of 5%.


  • Customer Value: We shall demonstrate a proactive customer-first and customer-delight mindset. We shall proactively listen to customer feedback and inputs to continuously improve our products and customer experience.
  • Excellence in Execution: Always thinking in terms of ROTI – Return on Time Investment. Time is a scarce resource; we must invest time and not spend it. We must keep the main thing the main thing and do the first things first. We shall always commit to the highest standards of safety and environment. We shall conduct ourselves to the highest standards of corporate citizenship.
  • Being Proactive: Being proactive, doing the right thing right. We shall prioritise and align our work keeping the larger purpose of the organization in mind. Being proactive in communication and in building interpersonal relationships.
  • Ownership Mindset: We shall operate with a personal stake and an ownership mindset and play to win. We shall always remain agile and anticipate what will make a difference to our stakeholders and make it happen with speed.
  • Harmonious teamwork: We shall collaborate seamlessly, seeking, and offering help as one team, one family. We shall take accountability for our own actions and also that of our team.